I’ve been working for myself for over 5 years and despite the many joys of entrepreneurship, the journey has been accompanied by many moments of feeling a bit… stuck.
Sometimes this feeling comes from comparing my own career progress to someone else. After all, there’s a reason why it’s called a comparison trap. Other times I find that it’s when I can see various opportunities to take things “to the next level” that I’m met with a sinking feeling of not knowing exactly what to do. I see the various steps I could take and somehow it’s the abundance of ideas that makes me feel more stuck than ever before.
If you’re also navigating through feelings of being stuck, here are 5 things I turn to that tend to help me and I hope does the same for you.
Whenever I start feeling unmotivated after a particularly busy period, I try to pause and ask myself “Am I stuck or do I just need to take a break?” If it’s the latter, I know how important it is for me to step back and slow down. As someone who thrives on contact switching between 3 business ventures and gets a weird thrill from a long to do list (I know I’m a psycho), I have to force myself to narrow things down and really prioritize the most important tasks.
I tend to dream big and sometimes the weight of those dreams can feel paralyzing.
It’s during the thick of things that sometimes the most basic needs are neglected. This is why choosing to “rest” and focus on eating well, getting enough sleep, drinking more water and making time for movement is so impactful.
One of the reasons why I created my Mindful Morning Planner was to provide a tool to intentionally sit down and check in with how I’m feeling each morning. Whether I’m reflecting on the highs and lows of the previous month, focusing on what I’m grateful for that day or answering journal prompts — spending time writing in a stream-of-consciousness style can help me uncover the root of my “stuckness” and even unlock something that will help me get out of it.
When I really can’t seem to shake the feeling of being stuck there are three crucial points of connection that need to be nurtured. It’s a reminder to reconnect with the “why” behind my goals and ambitions. When I’m able to get to the root of why I long for certain things it can help me see things from a different perspective.
I also do my best to reconnect with loved ones and people who uplift, encourage and inspire me. It can be a natural tendency to withdraw when you’re not feeling your best, but sometimes surrounding yourself with the right kind of people can be exactly what you need to put yourself back on track.
And lastly, I reconnect to prayer and my relationship with God… because sometimes when I’m really feeling completely lost as to what to do next, it’s His guidance that I need most.
If I find that I’m spending too much time doom scrolling instead of creating, my mental health suffers tremendously. I’m stuck feeling that I’m not doing enough, that I should be further ahead, or that what I share isn’t worthwhile or good enough. Taking an intentional break from the noise of social media is one of the most powerful resets that I can do for myself and allows me to come back feeling energized and motivated again.
In addition to a digital reset, I also like to de-clutter my home and switch things up in my daily routines, whether that means trying something new for breakfast, signing up for a different workout class, or just reevaluating which of my habits are still serving me. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned about routines is that they aren’t meant to be stagnant. It’s important to allow them to evolve and change throughout the different seasons of your life. If you’re looking for more ideas to refresh your life, I have a post for that, too!
Sometimes what I need to shake a feeling of being stuck is to get back in touch with my non-work passions. This can make a huge difference with my mental and emotional well-being and is one of the reasons why I joined a book club and am going to start volunteering some of my time this year at a local dog rescue. Getting into the flow of doing activities I really enjoy or have been wanting to do can often be just the thing to get my spark back. I have more tips for rediscovering your passions in this post!
No matter what is making you feel stuck personally or professionally, I hope you found this post helpful or at the very least, reassuring that you’re not alone.

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