Writing has always been a significant part of my healing journey. My heart has spilled out on paper during some of the most difficult moments of my life.
From navigating the life changing effects of my parent’s divorce, to the sorrow of watching my childhood dog pass away in my arms, the heartbreak of calling off the wedding to my college sweetheart, and currently, the indescribable pain of pregnancy loss
Pages upon pages of notebooks are filled with some of my deepest thoughts, feelings, hopes, regrets, and worries.
I’ve come to realize through years of writing that sometimes the things we can not say aloud need to find a safe space to be shared, even if the words will never be read by anyone else.
My journals are a place to let go of all the thoughts weighing on my heart and release the negative feelings associated with them. It’s a simple form of self-care that I hope will bring you some comfort as well, no matter what you may be going through. If you aren’t sure where to begin, I’ve shared a few prompts to get started.
Save these journal prompts for when you may need them:
- Make a list of 10 things you are currently grateful for.
- Explore the things you are currently mourning and allow yourself to write openly about everything that is weighing on your heart. Remember, no one else will read it and you don’t have to revisit if you don’t want to.
- What is something you’ve learned about yourself in this season of life?
- Write about a previous time you’ve faced adversity and overcame it. What did you learn and how did it help you grow?
- Who in your life have you felt most supported by and what do you appreciate about them?
- Fill a page with kind words to yourself. Write everything you need to hear most right now.
- Write about a memory that makes you happy and share details as if you’re telling the story to a friend.
- Even when it seems like everything is going wrong, write about one thing that went “right” recently, no matter how small.
- Write a list of all of your strengths and how they have helped you get to where you are today.
- What are a few things that are within your control that you can shift your focus to?
Remember that journaling is a very private, personal activity and there’s no wrong way to approach it. If writing feels particularly healing to you right now, I recommend setting aside a few minutes every day to jot down your thoughts and check out THIS post if you’d like more tips on how to build a consistent journaling habit. If it has the opposite effect, then it is absolutely okay to save it for another time.
From my heart to yours,

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