It’s officially Spring and with it brings the promise of longer days, beautiful blooms and a fresh feeling of renewal. Similar to New Year Resolutions, you don’t have to wait until the beginning of a season to make a change in your life. However, I personally find that a shift in seasons is a great opportunity to check in with your mental, physical and emotional well-being. You may find that there are a few areas of your health and home that you’d like to “spring clean” in order to start the new season feeling refreshed.
The following are a list of 50 different ways you can spring clean your life.
I did my best to cover everything from financial management, home cleaning, mental wellness check-ins and important physical health reminders. Take what you need and share with a friend or family member who can use a little spring clean session in their life too.
- Make any appointments that you’ve been putting off – check-ups, dental cleanings, doctor’s visits, therapy, etc.
- Cancel any subscriptions that you no longer use.
- Delete any unused apps on your phone.
- Switch up your computer and phone wallpapers for a fresh, Spring background.
- Make sure your important digital files are backed up.
- Unsubscribe from promo emails and newsletters you no longer want (leavemealone is a great tool for this)
- Unfollow social media accounts that no longer interest you or don’t make you feel good.
- Complete a task that you’ve been putting off for a long time.
- Wash the windows to let the sunshine in.
- And then open up those windows to let in the fresh air.
- Clean out your fridge and pantry. Get rid of any expired foods and do a deep clean.
- Give your home a thorough dusting.
- Sweep under all of the furniture.
- Wash your rugs.
- Wash all of your blankets.
- Switch out your bedding or decorative pillows.
- Get a traditional alarm clock or a sunrise alarm (I love this one!) so you can keep your phone out of your bedroom.
- Go through your bookshelf and donate/sell books that you’ve already read. Maybe even host a book swap with friends or colleagues!
- Reorganize and declutter one area of your home.
- Make the trip to recycle the box of old electronics that have been sitting around for a year.
- Give your plants some TLC – wipe the leaves, give them fertilizer, trim the dead leaves, repot them, etc.
- And while you’re at it, plant a new plant baby.
- Repair or let go of broken items.
- Make a list of pain points around your home, things that cause you frequent frustration, and make a plan to tackle them throughout the season.
- Declutter your closet and spend time coming up with new outfits with the clothes you already have. (There are tons of Youtubers like Alyssa Beltempo who can help you update your wardrobe without buying anything new).
- Swap out your winter wardrobe for your spring/summer wardrobe.
- Take your winter coats to the dry cleaner before packing them away.
- Clean out all of your purses.
- Clean out your junk drawer. You know the one I’m talking about.
- Swap out some of the art and decor in your home. And don’t be afraid to add pops of color!
- Clean your makeup brushes.
- Throw out expired beauty and skincare products. Especially that old eyeshadow.
- Spring clean your skincare routine by opting for fresher, lighter products.
- Get outside every day.
- Check in with your budget to see if you need to make adjustments. (Try a 30-day money cleanse if you could use a financial reset)
- If you are able to, consider increasing the amount that you’re putting away towards your saving goals. I love using mint to track my monthly spend/budget.
- Try a new fitness class to shake up your workout routine. You can get a free Classpass trial to try out different studios near you.
- Take a trip to the farmers market to pick up seasonal produce and fresh flowers.
- Check in with your goals or intentions for the year. What progress have you made? What obstacles have come up? Are the intentions you set still working for you? Do they still make you feel excited?
- Set a timer and let yourself journal freely and unload all of your thoughts and feelings onto the page.
- Brain dump all of the tasks you want to get done to help clear your mind. Prioritize them by how important and time-sensitive they are.
- Make a list of the things that are worrying you right now. Which ones do you have control over and which ones are out of your hands?
- Is there something that you’ve been bottling up or a difficult conversation you’ve been avoiding? Take a step towards having that conversation.
- Get a seasonal scented candle. Something with floral or citrus notes to ease into the new season!
- Try a new spring inspired recipe.
- Reconnect with one of your passions or try a new hobby!
- Treat yourself to an experience that makes you feel rejuvenated, like a fresh manicure, a haircut, or an afternoon at the spa.
- Take yourself on a solo date to do something you’ve never done before.
- Make a vision board for how you want this new season to feel.
- Make a list of everything you are looking forward to for the spring and summer.

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