I woke up earlier this week with a sudden realization that we are officially half way through 2022. I know right? Where has this year gone? It feels like just yesterday that I was sitting down to write out my goals for the new year on a very snowy afternoon, and now it’s a warm and sunny June morning. If life seems to be moving quickly for you as well, I invite you to pause with me and partake in a mid year reset.
I’m a firm believer that it’s crucial for our personal growth and development to take multiple opportunities throughout the year to reflect, review and refocus. Here are five tips to help you get started.
Reflect on Positive Memories and Accomplishments
Mid-year resets aren’t just about goal setting. It can also serve as a time for reflection on some of your favorite moments from the year. I was inspired after seeing a prompt to share one photo from each month on an IG story collage. The opportunity to flip through my camera roll had me smiling and recalling some really fun moments and memories that took place in the past 6 months. I was in such a good mood from it all that I decided to make it a journaling prompt to write out my top three memories from January through June. It was a really fun way to look back on what has happened and also take note of certain things I’ve have already accomplished. I highly recommend doing the same!
I also was inspired by a blogger I follow on Instagram to create an “I did it” journal. This can be a small notebook that you keep on your nightstand and every night before you go to bed you write down one thing you are most proud of accomplishing that day. I’m excited to put this into practice and read back on the entries at the end of 2022!
Revisit Your Goals and Intentions
Dust off that notebook where you wrote down your goals and intentions for the year. Are you on track to achieve them? But more importantly, do you still want to? One of the things I love most about taking the time for an intentional mid-year reset is that it gives you permission to change your mind. That’s right, maybe those goals you originally set or plans you put in place at the beginning of the year are no longer serving you. This is your chance to give your goals a little refresh. Once you’ve decided what you’d like to toss aside and which goals you want to prioritize, it’s time to refocus on a routine that will help get you there. Don’t forget to write down reasons why these new goals are important to you. You need that solid “why” to come back to in moments of weakness as the year progresses.
It’s also an opportunity to look outside of your bigger goals and revisit some of your former passions. If you’re looking for more productive ways to spend your free time outside of work, you may find certain hobbies or passion projects to be super fulfilling. This is your chance to think through what those may look like for you.
Re-assess Your Budget
Financial health is super important for our overall well being and can play a huge role in our routines, relationships and activities. This is a great opportunity to sit down and take a look at your spending habits. Bay and I use Mint to help with budgeting and breaking down where we tend to spend the majority of our money.
Tracking spending habits gives you room to adjust and maybe even make some changes so that your money is going towards more things that will align with your goals. For example, we know that ordering weekday take-out dinners tend to be a weakness of ours. Not only does it eat into our monthly budget (which could be put towards buying furniture for our new house or saving for a future trip) but it also actively works against our wellness goals.
By taking this time to re-assess our budget, we can be more mindful of how much we will spend on take out through the rest of the year.
Recommit to Your Wellbeing
There’s a general theme here that life moves quickly and sadly that means some really important things can be put on the back burner. One of those is scheduling your annual check ups at the doctor, dentist, OBGYN, eye doctor, dermatologist, etc. I know I’m personally terrible at this one because the last thing any of us want to do is spend an afternoon in a hospital. However use this mid year reset as an opportunity to get all those things on the books. Your overall wellbeing should always be a priority and that means staying ahead of potential problems before you start feeling symptoms. And while you’re scheduling those appointments, it’s also a chance to recommit to simple healthy habits you may have let fall by the wayside (i.e. drink more water, add more movement into your day, try meditation, etc.)
Refocus on your Routine
Once you’ve done all of the above it’s time to refocus on your day to day routine and how it can work to best serve you and your goals. After all, “We are what we repeatedly do.” It’s easy to start the year off hyper motivated but as the months roll over that routine we set in January may have shifted a lot by June. Now that you’ve gotten to the “why” behind the goals you’ve chosen, it’s time to get focused on the “how”. And that comes down to your daily routine and habits you start to put in place. I find it helpful to write out a schedule for myself, set alarms/reminders on my phone and find someone who can help keep me accountable. I also shared recently how helpful a “Sunday Reset Routine” has been for Bay and I as we work towards our own personal wellness goals, especially when it comes to meal planning!
I hope you found this helpful as you think through your own Mid Year Reset!

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