Happy 2022! It’s been a min since I’ve updated the blog and it felt pretty fitting that the first one of the new year would be centered around a Sunday reset. As I was writing out my goals for 2022, one of the biggest ones I had centered around spending less on takeout and cooking more nourishing dinners at home. Call it an NYC thing, but my husband and I are HORRIBLE when it comes to how often we order from GrubHub or Seamless. In fact, when we took a look at Mint (which I highly recommend using for budget tracking) we were appalled by how much we spent last year on our lazy weeknight dinners.
So I am determined to switch that around! If you’re looking to start meal planning the first thing I would recommend is to designate a day for a true “reset.” I find Sundays naturally work best for this and is a great launching point to get yourself set up for the week ahead.

What exactly goes into a Sunday Reset?
Here’s how we are approaching it our household:
Set a timer and work room by room! In the living room you may put away toys (dog toys in our case) that are strewn about, fold throw blankets, put away books that are left on the coffee table, etc. In an office it’s all about putting things back where they belong and clearing off your desk so you have a clean slate to work with. Use this opportunity to get organized! You’d be amazed at what a clear space can do for your well being.
Alright, this is the not so fun part but it’s gotta be done. Wash your dishes, vacuum the floors, scrub your toilet, change your sheets and wipe down surfaces. If you have time try to tackle ONE thing to deep clean every Sunday. For example you can choose to wipe down baseboards, scrub the inside of the fridge, or dust all of your blinds and fans.
Once you have a clean and tidy space, it’s nice to add some extra touches to make it feel even more special. Fresh flowers in the living or dining area are a great way to brighten up a room. You can also light your favorite candle, water your plants, and add a basket with fresh fruit that you can easily grab throughout the week.
Time to get organized! You all know I love using my Mindful Morning Planner for daily to-dos but when it comes to meal planning, we recently started using the Paprika app. It is such a great tool to aggregate and categorize recipes! You can import recipes straight from Pinterest, add them to a specific day of the week and it will auto-generate a grocery list for you. You do have to pay for a subscription but in my opinion it is 100% worth it.
As part of our Sunday reset we do a quick trip to Trader Joe’s right after we plan out the meals for the week in Paprika. We always bring reusable bags with us and can mark off our groceries on the app as we add them to our cart! Super easy and efficient.
I know that all seemed like so much work but honestly you can knock it out in just a couple hours if you stay focused! That way the rest of your Sunday can be dedicated to resting and recharging. We personally don’t do any workouts on Sunday and spend quite a bit of time vegging out on the couch reading or watching Netflix.

I hope you all found this helpful! I’ll be sharing more Sunday Reset and Meal Planning related videos on my Instagram so be sure to follow along there.

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