This post is sponsored by FAGE; however, all opinions are strictly my own. Thank you for supporting the brands I love! ~ Mel
I wasn’t always a morning person. In fact, I used to hate rolling out of bed in the morning. My alarm would be set for 8am on weekdays, knowing full well that I would have to leave the apartment by 8:45am to get to work on time. I would hit the snooze button a few times until I literally only had 30 min to shower, change, eat, walk my dog and leave. A mindful morning routine? Yeah, I wouldn’t necessarily call it that.
When I decided to take my business full time, things changed. Now more than ever, I’ve been appreciating waking up early and allowing myself the time and space to start the day off on the right foot. Mornings are something I look forward to. It’s when I’m the most productive and when the most creative ideas come to me. I try to give myself a full two hours to mindfully enter the day with a variety of healthy habits.
So how do you create a mindful morning routine? It starts with adding small habits that can dramatically improve your mindset and productivity. They’re not necessarily groundbreaking, but I promise they are very effective.
If you’re ready to get through summer a little more mindfully, here are some tips to get started.

Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. No matter how busy my schedule is, I always try to make time for something simple and nourishing. If you follow me on the ‘gram, you’re probably quite familiar with my main 3 breakfasts of choice: Yogurt bowls, oatmeal and smoothies. All three of these can be made in less than 10 minutes and can provide the right mix of protein, healthy fats, and antioxidants that fuel my body and keep me satiated.
In order to take all 3 of these meals from plain to amazing, you have to start with good wholesome ingredients. I love FAGE Total 0% Plain Greek yogurt because it’s creamy, delicious and doesn’t have any added sugar. It’s obviously the base to my yogurt bowls but I also love to add a spoonful to my smoothies and as a topping for my steel cut oats.
I jazzed up my FAGE Total 0% Plain Greek yogurt this morning by mixing in a tsp of matcha powder and adding homemade raspberry chia jam, granola, pumpkin seeds, honey and fresh raspberries. So simple and so delicious!
Whatever you decide to make, do your best to unplug and disconnect while you eat. Savor each bite, take note of the different textures, and once again, practice gratitude for the meal you prepared.

I always drink a full 8oz glass of water when I get up. If I go straight for my latte, I’ll get a headache almost instantly. Your body goes 8 hours without water while you sleep so this is seriously SUCH an important step to starting your day on the right foot. Your body and mind will thank you later.
My morning skincare routine is super simple since I save the crazy stuff for night. I skip the cleanser and rinse my face with super cold water. Not only is it very refreshing but it tightens pores and reduces inflammation immediately. Afterwards I apply a serum, light moisturizer and skincare primer. If I have time I’ll add a sheet mask or gua sha, but I typically save the luxe stuff for the weekends. If you want to see which products I love and use regularly, be sure to check out THIS post.
Since I’m a proud mama of two adorable fur babies I have an excuse to get some fresh air every single morning. These little moments of sunshine can do so much good for my mental health. The next time you’re on your walk try to actively slow your pace. Take in all the different sights and sounds. Find something beautiful and say a silent “thank you” just for being able to observe the world around you.
Sometimes this means a 15 min meditation. Some days it means reading a chapter of a book I love or journaling what I’m thankful for while sipping on my coffee. And there are other days when it’s as simple as rolling out my yoga mat and doing some light stretches. Whatever I decide, this is such a beautiful time to unplug and prepare my mind for the day. I’ve also been loving turning on the Daily Wellness channel on Spotify to jumpstart my day with a super brief meditation and positive tunes. I always feel more eager to jump into my to-do list after giving myself a little time to be at ease.

I know it seems trivial but I’ve been making my bed every morning since high school and it is a game changer. Think of it as the first small task you’ve accomplished of the day. Keeping your bed tidy helps spur a chain effect of wanting to keep the rest of your room organized as well. And as someone who works from home, I thrive best in a clutter-free space. When my apartment gets messy, everything else is thrown off! Even my husband can tell when my space is deeply affecting my mood.
I hope you all enjoyed this little peek into my morning routine and feel inspired to add a few things to yours!

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